Click on any of the tabs below to find out about all the many extra-curricular clubs we run at Holy Trinity Catholic Academy.
School Clubs
Welcome to Holy Trinity’s After School Club which runs Monday to Friday during term time from 3:15pm to 5:45pm. Our After School Club Co-ordinator is Mrs Toni Poole and our Assistant is Mrs Maria Oliveira.
If you would like your child to attend, places need booking and correct payment sending in, in advance to secure the place. Please click on the information below for further details, including copies of the Registration Form and Booking Form.
After School Club And Breakfast Club Policy
Welcome to Holy Trinity’s Breakfast Club which runs Monday to Friday during term time from 7:30am – 8:45am. Our Breakfast Club Co-ordinator is Mrs Margaret Beall and our Assistant is Mrs Petro Tapu.
The day is kick-started with a healthy breakfast including toast, cereal, yoghurts, juice and afterwards a variety of activities including craft, games, books etc to enjoy.
Children can be dropped off at the club at three times – 7:30am, 7:50am and 8:15am. Preferences for arrival time can be expressed on the booking forms which are from the School Office. Breakfast Club staff meet the children at the school’s Main Entrance.
If you would like your child to attend, please complete a registration form and ensure that the correct payment is sent in. Please click on the information below for further details.
The garden club is run by Mrs Smith and Mrs Hayes each Tuesday from 3.15pm to 4.15pm.
Activities are based on the work that can be carried out within the school garden over the different seasons. Children have the opportunity to sow seeds then watch them grow into beautiful flowers and vegetables which are picked and eaten when ready.
Throughout the year we often get involved in many campaigns set up by the Royal Horticulture society (RHS), The Wildlife Trust, and other nature related societies. This year our school was awarded a Wildlife on Your Doorstep Award from the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust,The RHS School Gardeners of the Year 2016 Award and more recently The Best School Wildlife Garden award from East Midlands in Bloom competition.
We encourage children to come to garden club with a change of clothes that are suitable for garden work and in the winter wellingtons and warm clothes are needed.
This is a new after school club which will take place in our new Ecoland space outdoors. Members of this club will also form part of the school Eco Team so that both teams are interlinked. The sessions take place mainly outside on Thursdays from 3.15pm to 4.15pm so to get the most from the activities it is important that suitable coats and shoes are brought to school to change into after school.
In this club you will have the opportunity to take part in national campaigns and competitions such as the
School Birdwatch
Switch off Fortnight
Finding things out about the energey used in school
Finding out about sustainability
Other activities will include art and craft activities using natural material to make Christmas decorations. we will do willow weaving and much more ,so come along and give it a try if you enjoy nature and being outside.
Welcome to the Holy Trinity Football Club page.
This year we will be competing in the following competitions:
Small Schools League (7 a-side)
KO Tournament (7 a-side)
Autumn Tournament (7 a-side)
Spring Tournament (7 a-side)
Year 3/4 Summer Tournament (7 a-side)
Keep up to date with scores as they happen by following us on Twitter at:
Our School Choir is run by Mrs Durney on Mondays after school. Children from across KS2 take part and enjoy singing a variety of songs developing their repertoire and preparing for various events throughout the year.
Our School Chess Club is run by Cara De Angelis and Mrs Summers and takes place on Thursdays after school from 3:15pm until 4:00pm. The club is very popular and very vibrant with many enthusiastic players who are keen to develop their tactics and win lots of games. Each week, children have the opportunity of playing chess with different children from across KS2 and sharpen up their skills. We also take part in termly tournaments with other schools in the Newark area.