EYFS – The Conkers

Welcome to The Conker’s class page!

Welcome to the Foundation 2 class page. Here you can find lots of information about F2 so you can keep up to date with all of the exciting things that we get up to throughout the school year.

Mrs Parker (F2P) and Miss Kuczak (F2/Y1K) are our teachers. Mrs Smith, Mrs Fraser, Miss Piotrowska, Mrs Woods, Miss O’Shea and Miss Johnston are the Teaching Assistants.

During this academic year, we will be communicating through the use of Class Dojo and sharing lots of the children’s wonderful work there too. Please do ensure you have set up your Class Dojo account in order to access this.

If you need to contact us at any time throughout the year, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We can be reached through the messaging feature on your Class Dojo account, via email or in school, by appointment with the school office.

Our Routines

Our school day begins at 8.40pm and ends at 3.10pm.

Reading for pleasure books will continue to come home each Monday and are chosen by your child. It is ok if they bring books home they have already read. Remember, this is a book for YOU to read to THEM at bedtime. It will need returning to school on Monday (Miss Kuczak’s class) or Friday (Mrs Parker’s class) please.

F2P has PE on Wednesdays and F2/Y1K has PE on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Please send your child into school WEARING their P.E kit (dark coloured tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a white t-shirt and a red hoodie/sweatshirt or their school jumper or cardigan and wearing trainers or plimsols).

F2/Y1K will be visiting Eco-Land on Thursday afternoon (Lent 1) and F2P will be visiting Eco-Land on Thursday afternoon (Lent 2). Please send your child into school with a suitable coat, sun hat/cap and wellies in a carrier bag.

Our Learning

This half term we have another exciting topic, ‘Heroes…Little People, Big Dreams’. Not the superhero kind but those heroes who live in the children’s homes and communities…YOU! Each week our ‘Everywhere Bear’ will bring us a new book and our week’s learning will be centered around this. Keep an eye out on Class Dojo as we will post our new books for you to read at home too!

Our ‘Come and See’ topics for this half term are ‘Celebrating’ and ‘Gathering’. The children will explore different types of celebrations and what we need in order to take part in these celebrations. The children will then learn The Presentation Story and how Jesus was taken to the temple and Simeon proclaimed that Jesus would be ‘the light of the world.’

The children will explore how when we gather together tasks are much easier to achieve. They will learn how Mass is a time of gathering within church. They will recognise the four parts of the Mass and will learn to remember these parts through a Mass chant, roleplay and a visit to our church.

Family Friday Sessions

Once a fortnight we would love to invite you into school to take part in various family sessions. These dates will be confirmed via Class Dojo.