Key Stage 1

Welcome to the KS1 class page!

Welcome to the Key Stage 1 webpage. The class teachers in KS1 are Mrs Easton, Mrs Meredith and Miss Kuczak. Mrs Dawson also teaches Y2E on Wednesdays. Our KS1 teaching assistants are Miss Grimwood, Mrs Richards and Mrs Smith. We also have other staff to support us in Key Stage 1 where needed.

Below you will find further information about our class routines and our learning.

Our Routines

Our school day begins at 8.40am and our school day ends at 3.10pm.

Our PE days are Monday and Thursday in Y2E, Wednesday and Thursday in Y1/2M and Tuesday and Friday in Y1/F2K. Please ensure you child is wearing the correct PE kit on these days. Jogging bottoms may be worn in colder weather. We will be outside for PE where ever possible so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately, according to the weather.

Reading & Reading Books

Reading is one of life’s most important skills and is something which is highly valued here at Holy Trinity.

We share lots of exciting and engaging stories in class every day, to promote a love of reading.

In Key Stage 1, reading books will be give out according to your child’s Read Write Inc or Modelled Reading group. They will also take home a reading for pleasure book to share with adults and families at home. Please ensure your child brings their reading folder in to school every day to allow their books to be changed on the correct day. Please read with your child regularly at home and ensure that diaries are signed at least three times per week.


Our Learning


In English this term the children will be enjoying and immersing themselves in a range of different text types. Within each unit the children will study a variety of different skills. Each unit will end with an opportunity to produce a piece of independent extended writing. There will also be specific grammar sessions and Active English sessions in order to develop and practise the children’s understanding of the structure of the English language. During the Pentecost Term, we will be studying a range of fantastic books and genres.

Separate to the English lessons, the children will also be taught through whole class modelled reading sessions in Year 2. If your child has not passed their phonics screening check, they will be taught phonics through the RWI phonics programme. Our spelling objectives will be met through the teaching of the RWI Get Spelling Programme in Year 2.


We take part in daily Maths sessions, which will develop mental and written maths skills. Each unit will provide many varied opportunities to extend knowledge. Children will be given the chance to explore ‘real-life’ problem solving and develop their mathematical reasoning skills throughout their work. The children will be taught a range of arithmetic strategies including number bonds, doubling and halving, as well as times tables for Year 2.

Come & See

In Come & See, we will focus on three topics during the term: Spread the Word, Rules and Treasures. During these topics the children will have opportunities to talk about and retell different Bible stories, as well as begin to recognise and describe different signs and symbols, which will help them with their understanding of the Catholic faith. We will also study Hinduism as our other faith learning this term.

Regular class liturgies based on Come and See topics and our whole school ‘word of the week’ will also take place. The children will be encouraged to plan and lead these liturgies.

Curriculum Focus

In Geography this term, we will be discussing the difference between Sherwood forest vs the rainforest. In History, we will be exploring the history of transport. We will be linking this to the life of William Tritton, a significant person in our locality and his influence on the development of the tank.

In Science, we will be consolidating our knowledge of seasons and exploring Summer. We will also be studying the basic needs of animals including humans.

In Design and Technology we will be making a healthy packed lunch.

In Art this term we will be developing our drawing skills using a range of different media, looking at the life and work of Henri Rousseau.

Our Music work this term will be focused on the skills of listening and composition.

In our Computing work we will be learning about computer science and e-safety. The PE units for KS1: Year 1 & Year 2 will include throwing & catching, fitness, dance and team building. We will be using our ‘Life to the Full’ scheme to help us with our learning in PSHE. We will look at and begin to understand our British Values.