Lower Key Stage 2

Welcome to the LKS2 class page!

Welcome to the Lower Key Stage 2 webpage. The class teachers in LKS2 are Miss Gilkes, Mrs Webster, Mrs Durney and Mrs Francis. Mrs Dawson also teaches Y4F all day on Mondays. Our LKS2 teaching assistants are Mrs Hayes, Miss Spellman and Mrs Allen.

Below you will find further information about our class routines and our learning.

Our Learning:

Throughout this term we will be covering a number of different topics.

In English this term the children will be investigating a range of different text types. Within each unit the children will study a variety of different skills. Each unit will end with an opportunity to produce a piece of independent extended writing. There will also be specific grammar sessions and Active English sessions in order to develop and practise the children’s understanding of the structure of the English language. During the term, our key texts will be ‘Poem Aloud’, ‘Willow Pattern Story’ and ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’.

Separate to the English lessons, the children will also be taught through whole class modelled reading sessions. Our spelling objectives will be met through the teaching of the RWI Get Spelling Programme in Key Stage 2. The children will take part in daily Maths sessions, which will develop their mental and written maths skills. Each unit will provide many varied opportunities provided to extend their knowledge. Children will be given the chance to explore ‘real-life’ problem solving and develop their mathematical reasoning skills throughout their work. The children will be taught a range of arithmetic strategies including using times tables up to 12×12. Each week during our Maths lessons, children will have the opportunity to work on specific objectives on IXL and practice on Times Table Rockstars.

In Come & See we will be following the topics ‘Energy’, ‘Special Places’ and ‘Listening and Sharing’. During these topics, children will have the opportunity to explore Bible Scriptures, make links between these and their own lives, as well as giving reasons for their actions and the actions of Christians in our community. Class liturgies take place every other Friday and the children will prepare in groups or as a whole class. Please look at ‘The Word of the Week’ clips as a family. These are posted to Class Dojo and our YouTube channel every Sunday.

Our Curriculum themes for the Term at Holy Trinity is: ‘Our World/Our Locality.’

Throughout the Pentecost term, in Geography we will be finding out about coasts, coastal erosion and economic activity associated with coasts. In Science we will be looking at Animals and thinking about food chains and answering questions such as ‘can people with long legs jump further. We will also be studying plants and asking, ‘What happens if a plant doesn’t get enough light?’. This term’s Art is all about sculpture and will be connected with our work on the willow pattern story. History will be focused on the Civil War and will involve local visits. In DT, we will be making a healthy dish using locally grown ingredients. Computing we will be revisiting e-safety and continuing our computer science work. we will be composing music in our Music sessions. We will also participate in French lessons about animals and we will also participate PSHE lessons including RSHE through our Ten:Ten scheme.

PE for Y3G is Wednesday and Thursday, for Y3/4WD is Wednesday and Friday and for Y4F is Monday (Forest School) and Rfiday. Keep a look out on Class Dojo for any changes to this. Children should continue to come to school wearing their PE kit on those days. The correct PE kit consists of; a white T-shirt, red shorts and plimsolls/trainers. A black/navy tracksuit can also be worn, especially when the weather is colder. Please ensure that earrings are not worn on PE days. This term’s lessons will cover Outdoor Adventures, Cricket, Athletics and Rounders.

Our Routines

Homework: Homework will be set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. It will consist of spellings to learn for a test on Fridays, including applying these words in sentences, Maths (specific objectives set on IXL), Times Tables Rockstars practice and from time-to-time work linked to other subjects such as Come and See or Geography.

Spellings will be sent home in your child’s reading folder and can be returned on paper or using Class Dojo. We would encourage you to return the homework by uploading a document or photograph of the completed work to your child’s portfolio. If you require any support with this, please do get in touch.

Reading: Regular reading is an incredibly important skill. Please listen to your child read daily and support them by talking about the text and asking questions to check that they have understood what they have read. Please sign or initial their reading diary to show when this has been done. This can be signatures for both their school reading book and any other book they made read at home. Reading diaries will be checked daily and we would expect at least three signatures from an adult over the course of a week. If your child is struggling with this or if you require any support in helping your child read, then please let us know.

Times tables: Please support your child to learn and practise their times tables at home. This will help them in all areas of their Maths work. All children have access to the Times Tables Rockstar online platform which is a great way to practise and develop speed and confidence when recalling times tables facts.