
You are warmly invited to visit and see the school in action; this can be arranged by calling the school office and making an appointment or emailing

We look forward to welcoming you and hope that you are excited to see in person, all that our school has to offer your child and family.

Admission Authority

The Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust is the admission authority for all the schools within the Trust and is responsible for determining the admissions policy.

On behalf of the Trust, the admissions are coordinated by the relevant Local Authority. All decisions relating to admission applications will be taken by the school’s Local Governing Body.

Please click on the link below which takes you to the relevant Admissions Policy and the Supplementary Form which needs completing and returning to the school, for applications based on faith grounds.

OLoL Trust  – Admissions information

Our Lady Of Lourdes CMAT Primary Admissions Policy 2024 25

Our Lady Of Lourdes CMAT Primary Admissions Policy 2025 26

Our Lady Of Lourdes Supplementary Information Form 2025 2026

Our Lady Of Lourdes Supplementary Information Form 2026 2027 Oct 24

Please click on the link below to see the Admission Privacy Notice:

Admissions Privacy Notice

Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 will be starting school for the first time (Reception year) in September 2025.

Applications are accepted from 4 November 2024 to 15 January 2025 for first admissions and transfer from infant to junior/primary education.

Full information on how to apply is available on the Nottingham County Council website.

Applying for a school place.

Please refer to the relevant Admissions Policy and Supplementary Form in the previous section.

For applications made on faith grounds, the relevant Supplementary Form must be completed and returned to the school office.

An application can be made for a place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places.

An application should be made to Nottingham County Council by completing the Common Application Form and following the instructions on their website here.

If applying for a place on faith grounds, you will also need to complete a Supplementary Information Form, which can be found on the first section of this page.

Please return this to the school office:

Holy Trinity Catholic Academy
Boundary Road
NG24 4AU

Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out in the admission arrangements for the relevant school year will be applied – please see first section of the Admissions page. Parents are advised to read the admission arrangements carefully before making their application.

If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list. Please see the admission arrangements for more details.

You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible. Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of receipt.

You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.

If you have any questions in relation to in-year admissions, please contact our school office on 01636 689 177. 

You may also wish to discuss in-year applications with the local authority on 0300 500 8080 or online here.

Parents whose children have not been offered a place at a school in the normal admissions round will be added to the school’s waiting list unless they have been offered a place at a higher preference school. The waiting list will normally remain open until the end of the academic year.   

Waiting lists are maintained in the same order as the oversubscription criteria and not in the order in which applications are received or added to the waiting list. This means that your child’s position on the waiting list may change during the year. 

Any late applications will be added to the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.

Inclusion on a school’s waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available. 

Parents must make a further application for a school place in respect of a later academic year and if a place is not available the child’s name can be added to the waiting list for that academic year.

In September 2023, Our Lady of Lourdes CMAT, in consultation with the school, consulted to make changes to Published Admission Number (PAN) for September 2024.  Whilst the temporary change was approved with effect from September 2024, we have been informed by the Local Authority that in order to make this a permanent change, effective for the academic year 2025-2026, we now need to re-consult again with all our stakeholders.

This will be a six-week consultation beginning Wednesday 20th December 2023 and will close on Tuesday 30th January 2024. We welcome your thoughts on this change for September 2025.

Please see attached information and submit your feedback on the Response Form.  This can be presented as a hard copy to the main office or can be emailed to

Consultation Communication To Holy Trinity Stakeholders Dec 2023

Stakeholder Response Form

The current Admissions Policy is located on this webpage as above.