Our Nursery
We are very lucky to be able to offer places for 3 and 4 year olds within our school setting. This ensures that they are well equipped and prepared with the skills that they need ready for the Main School.
We welcome children as soon as they turn three years old into our Foundation 1 setting, and have places for 30 children in the morning and 30 children in the afternoon
We offer both full time places (30 hours) and morning or afternoon only sessions (15 hours).
Morning Sessions run from 8:45am until 11:45am
Afternoon Sessions run from 12:15pm until 3:15pm
These timings are in line with the Main School hours.
We also offer charged Wrap Around Care as follows:
Breakfast Club 7:30am – 8:45am
After School Club: 3:15 – 5:45pm
Please enquire at the school office for charges and further information.
Full Time Place Eligibility
Our Full Time places will be offered to those children whose families are eligible. In order to establish your eligibility please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk which will generate you with a code for your child if you are entitled.
Once you have received your code, please present this to Mrs Pilgrim in the school office together with your National Insurance number. Following that, the school will be able to verify the code and we can then inform you of your child’s full time start date.
If you are not eligible, but still would like your child to access the full time offer, there will be a charge for this. Please contact the school office for further information.
Full Time children at lunch time
Our full time children are asked to bring a packed lunch with them and are supervised by our midday staff. They will have their lunch early, before the main school children in the school hall, after which they will be supervised in the Early Years Foundation Stage’s outdoor area until the afternoon session begins.
Nursery Admissions
We do not operate an Admissions Policy for our Nursery so places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please complete a Nursery Admissions Form from the school office and hand this in to Mrs Pilgrim who will contact you with plenty of notice, as soon as a space becomes available.
A Smooth Transition to our Nursery Setting
In order to ensure that your child has a smooth transition, we offer a Home Visit by our Foundation Stage staff, to help them get to know your child and so that you and your child know a bit about us and our setting before they begin. Following that, you will be offered Stay and Play sessions before your child’s first day with us. One of these sessions is an invitation to join us in our school’s Eco Land on a Wednesday so please wrap up warm and come prepared to explore the outdoors with us!
We would prefer that your child is toilet trained before they start with us, however we can support with this should they not be quite at that stage yet. If your child has particular needs it is important that you let us know about this straight away. A plan between parents and school will then be completed at the home visit to ensure support is given.
If your child has any other special educational or developmental needs please ensure these are discussed during the home visit to help us ensure that we meet your child’s needs right from the outset.
Admissions to the Main School
If you would like your child to progress from the Nursery to our Main School, you will still need to apply online through Nottinghamshire County Council. A place at our Nursery does not guarantee a place at our main school.
Please refer to the Admissions section on the School Website, which gives details of the policy and the Supplement Form which also needs completing and returning to us. If your child is a baptised Catholic they are given preference in the over subscription criteria. If your child is baptised into another Christian denomination or Other Faith they are also ranked higher than no baptism, so please refer to the Admissions Policy relevant for your child’s due start time to the main school and ensure that we have all of the relevant documentation including a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate so that we can rank your child accurately when the time comes.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Head Teacher, Mrs Summers, Mrs Pilgrim in the School Office or Mrs Parker our Foundation Stage Teacher.
Visits to the Nursery and Main School are always welcome, so please contact the school office to arrange this. We look forward to welcoming your child to our Nursery setting.