Our EYFS comprises Nursery and Foundation 2 classes. The information below gives further detail about our EYFS intent and implementation. (Please also see the separate Subject Medium Term plans for KS1 and KS2 which show how the National Curriculum subjects builds on the Knowledge and Skills developed in the EYFS.)
The Early Learning Goals are the end of Reception Year statements that all our children will be assessed against. Those children who meet all the criteria under each area of development are said to have ‘met’ the early learning goal and working ‘at age-related expectations’.
Any children who meet all the early learning goals before reaching the end of Reception are continually given opportunities to develop skills and knowledge further and to apply their skills to ensure they have depth to their learning
The Early Learning Goals
EYFS Intent
The Curriculum Intent for the EYFS:
* Follows the EYFS Curriculum
- Promotes independence and confidence in learning
- Is stimulating and exciting
- Develops positive communication and vocabulary
- Develops physical skills for gross and fine motor skills development
- Is practical in approach
- Recognises and values all starting points and backgrounds
* Builds on the needs and interests of all children
EYFS Implementation
- Themes are underpinned by the RE Curriculum
- Learning driven by the Book of the Week
- Whole Class, small group and individual teaching
- Continuous provision challenges indoors and outside
- Mixture of adult led and child initiated activities
- Resources easily accessible and clearly labelled to promote independence and vocabulary
EYFS Curriculum Overview and Progression Documents
Please click on the links below to see the Early Years Foundation Stage Medium Term Overviews which show what we want the children to learn by the end of each half term…